Bank Nasional Indonesia menyatakan diliburkannya hari hari tertentu yakni
24 Desember 2010 dan 31 Desember 2010
Mengingat menjelang tahun baru sehingga Bank-Bank akan beroperasional normal kembali
Senin 3 Januari 2011
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Operasional Bank Akhir Tahun 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
The door to door peddler of electrical supplies who became the founder of a US$800 million Company
It’s hard to believe that a 12-year-old who began work as a cleaning boy in a small shop in Karachi, who later worked as door to door peddler of electrical supplies, can build one of India's leading business conglomerates.
This is not a fairy tale story. This is a story of a real person with strong willpower who can always find a way to overcome the obstacles in his path to success. This month, we would like to introduce you to Prahlad P. Chhabria, a self made man. He is the founder of Finolex Group — India’s leading cable maker and the second largest PVC resin manufacturer, with a turnover that exceeds US$800 million.
His father’s untimely death made his family poor. To help his widowed mother and nine siblings, Prahlad P. Chhabria started working from a young age and his formal education ended at the 2nd Grade.
At the age of 12, he started his career as a cleaner in a small cloth shop at a salary of Rs10 per month. At 13, he served sherbet to customers in a cloth store. A year later, he worked as a bill collector in Amritsar. While keeping accounts, he taught himself to read and write.
Later, Chhabria and his younger brother and business partner Kishan moved to Pune and learned their Engineering basics. In between jobs, they began selling electrical supplies all over Pune, soon opening a retail shop. The differentiator was their ability to provide electrical services. By taking appliances apart, Kishan learnt to repair them, moving on to laying electrical cables, even making his own line of irons.
It was this knowledge of fabrication that propelled them into the next league, and they began to supply to the army. While Kishan became an expert on manufacturing processes, Chhabria became well-versed in applying for licenses in Delhi.
On his 78th birthday last March, he released his autobiography, There’s No Such Thing As a Self-Made Man. This is an inspiring and motivational book for all of us to read as it shows how hard works and integrity brings about success.
We would like to conclude his story with one of his famous quotes:
"Poverty, luck and lack of contacts are merely constraints people carry in their minds. If you start with a positive attitude, half the job is done."
This is not a fairy tale story. This is a story of a real person with strong willpower who can always find a way to overcome the obstacles in his path to success. This month, we would like to introduce you to Prahlad P. Chhabria, a self made man. He is the founder of Finolex Group — India’s leading cable maker and the second largest PVC resin manufacturer, with a turnover that exceeds US$800 million.
His father’s untimely death made his family poor. To help his widowed mother and nine siblings, Prahlad P. Chhabria started working from a young age and his formal education ended at the 2nd Grade.
At the age of 12, he started his career as a cleaner in a small cloth shop at a salary of Rs10 per month. At 13, he served sherbet to customers in a cloth store. A year later, he worked as a bill collector in Amritsar. While keeping accounts, he taught himself to read and write.
Later, Chhabria and his younger brother and business partner Kishan moved to Pune and learned their Engineering basics. In between jobs, they began selling electrical supplies all over Pune, soon opening a retail shop. The differentiator was their ability to provide electrical services. By taking appliances apart, Kishan learnt to repair them, moving on to laying electrical cables, even making his own line of irons.
It was this knowledge of fabrication that propelled them into the next league, and they began to supply to the army. While Kishan became an expert on manufacturing processes, Chhabria became well-versed in applying for licenses in Delhi.
On his 78th birthday last March, he released his autobiography, There’s No Such Thing As a Self-Made Man. This is an inspiring and motivational book for all of us to read as it shows how hard works and integrity brings about success.
We would like to conclude his story with one of his famous quotes:
"Poverty, luck and lack of contacts are merely constraints people carry in their minds. If you start with a positive attitude, half the job is done."
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Bingung-bingung dengan pilihan tontonan Anime yang menarik, berikut beberapa kilasan Anime untuk ditonton.
1. Special A
Hikari Hanazono has always been second to Kei Takishima. When they were six years old, their pro-wrestling loving fathers introduced them to each other. Assuming that she was the best in wrestling, young Hikari challenged Kei to a wrestling match only to be thoroughly defeated by him. Ever since that fateful incident, Hikari swore to beat Kei in school grades, sporting events or any competition. To do this, she has enrolled in the same school as Kei since elementary. Now she attends Hakusenkan, an ultra elite school, that costs her carpenter father a lot of money. Hikari and Kei are the top two students in the school, with Kei holding firmly to that number one position. While Hikari considers Kei to be a rival and important friend, she is completely unaware that Kei is in love with her. The story primarily focuses on Hikari and her constant attempts to defeat her one and only rival, Kei, and how she finds love in their rivalry.
2. Ouran Club High School

Ouran High School Host Club, menceritakan seorang gadis miskin (yang lebih tepatnya gadis biasa yang sederhana dan juga pas-pasan) bernama Fujioka Haruhi. Karena salah masuk ruangan, Haruhi bertemu 6 pemuda tampan yang bekerja sebagai Host di Ouran High School. Karena penampilan Haruhi yang ala kadarnya, ia sempat dikira laki-laki oleh anggota club. Tanpa sengaja, ia memecahkan guci seharga 8.000.000 yen, sehingga Haruhi harus menjadi anggota club tersebut untuk membayar hutangnya dengan cara mendatangkan tamu yang banyak.
Seri ini diserialisasikan di Indonesia oleh penerbit Elex Media Komputindo di majalah komik bulanan HanaLala.
> Haruhi Fujioka is a scholar student at the prestigious Ouran Academy, a fictional high school located in Bunkyō, Tokyo. Looking for a quiet place to study, Haruhi stumbles upon the Third Music Room, a place where the Ouran Academy Host Club, a group of six male students, gathers to entertain female "clients". During their first meeting, Haruhi accidentally knocks over and breaks an antique vase valued at 8,000,000 (US$80,000 in English manga) and is told to repay the cost in service to the club. Haruhi's short hair, slouching attire and gender-ambiguous look causes her to be mistaken by the hosts for a male student. The hosts all agree that Haruhi would be a good host, thus making her join the host club. Ultimately she agrees to join the Club as a host herself (dressed as a male) in order to pay off her debt. She agrees to join since she does not mind hosting as long as she can pay the debt off faster. The Ouran Private Academy encompasses kindergarten to twelfth grade (along with a university as well). Most students come from wealthy families, but in special cases, merit scholarships are granted to exceptional students from a lower income bracket. The school's unofficial motto is "Lineage counts first, wealth a close second," meaning students with stellar family backgrounds are given top priority over those from rich families but low socioeconomic status.
3. Kare Kano (彼氏彼女の事情, Kareshi Kanojo no Jijō, lit. "His and Her Circumstances")
Yukino Miyazawa is a Japanese high school freshman who is the envy of classmates for her good grades and immaculate appearance. However, her "perfect" exterior is a façade, a charade she maintains to win praise. In the privacy of her own home, she is spoiled, stubborn, a slob, and studies relentlessly and obsessively to maintain her grades. On entering high school, she is knocked from her position at the top of the class by Soichiro Arima, a handsome young man whose very existence Yukino considers a threat to the praise on which she thrives, and she vows to destroy him. When Soichiro confesses that he has a crush on her, Yukino rejects him then boasts about it at home. Her observant little sister Kano points out that her rivalry with him comes from admiration, causing her to rethink her own feelings.
Before she can figure out if she hates or likes Soichiro, he visits her home and discovers her being herself. He uses the information to blackmail her into doing his student council work. At first Yukino accepts it, coming to realize that he is also not the perfect student he pretends to be. Tired of being used, Yukino revolts and Soichiro apologizes, and admits he still loves her and just wanted to spend time with her. Yukino realizes she loves him as well, and together they resolve to abandon their fake ways and be true to themselves, though she initially has trouble breaking her lifelong habit of pretend-perfection and her competitive ways.
As the series progresses, Yukino is able to open her true self to others and earns her first real friends beyond Soichiro. It is eventually revealed that Soichiro was striving to be perfect in order to avoid turning "bad" like the parents who abandoned him. Falling in love with Yukino, he is able to become more true to himself, but he also finds himself becoming increasingly jealous of Yukino's change bringing new friends and new activities into her life, and of her having parts of her life that don't involve him. When Yukino unknowingly hurts him, he becomes even more jealous and afraid, and begins to wear another facade of the "perfect boyfriend" in an effort to protect her from his "ugly" self.
The return of both of his parents into his life sends Soichiro into a dark area, but helps him finally break free to truly be himself as Yukino and their friends help him learn to lean on and trust others. The end of the series shows Yukino and Soichiro in their 30s, with their three children, and gives updates on the various friends they made along the way.
4. First Love Limited (初恋限定., Hatsukoi Gentei), also known as Hatsukoi Limited
The manga features a series of short stories about eight girls in middle school and high school, plus their classmates and relativesEach chapter focuses on a different main character. These stories are intertwined and eventually lead to a main story involving most of the cast.
5. Honey and Clover
Cerita mengenai sebuah perjalanan hidup anak sekolah sehari-harinya, dengan jalan cerita yang dibawa santai dan hangat. Diseringi dengan karakter humoris dari pemeran dan karakter masing-masing yang membuat kita terus ingin mengetahui jalan cerita selanjutnya. Point : 8.5
1. Special A

2. Ouran Club High School

Ouran High School Host Club, menceritakan seorang gadis miskin (yang lebih tepatnya gadis biasa yang sederhana dan juga pas-pasan) bernama Fujioka Haruhi. Karena salah masuk ruangan, Haruhi bertemu 6 pemuda tampan yang bekerja sebagai Host di Ouran High School. Karena penampilan Haruhi yang ala kadarnya, ia sempat dikira laki-laki oleh anggota club. Tanpa sengaja, ia memecahkan guci seharga 8.000.000 yen, sehingga Haruhi harus menjadi anggota club tersebut untuk membayar hutangnya dengan cara mendatangkan tamu yang banyak.
Seri ini diserialisasikan di Indonesia oleh penerbit Elex Media Komputindo di majalah komik bulanan HanaLala.
> Haruhi Fujioka is a scholar student at the prestigious Ouran Academy, a fictional high school located in Bunkyō, Tokyo. Looking for a quiet place to study, Haruhi stumbles upon the Third Music Room, a place where the Ouran Academy Host Club, a group of six male students, gathers to entertain female "clients". During their first meeting, Haruhi accidentally knocks over and breaks an antique vase valued at 8,000,000 (US$80,000 in English manga) and is told to repay the cost in service to the club. Haruhi's short hair, slouching attire and gender-ambiguous look causes her to be mistaken by the hosts for a male student. The hosts all agree that Haruhi would be a good host, thus making her join the host club. Ultimately she agrees to join the Club as a host herself (dressed as a male) in order to pay off her debt. She agrees to join since she does not mind hosting as long as she can pay the debt off faster. The Ouran Private Academy encompasses kindergarten to twelfth grade (along with a university as well). Most students come from wealthy families, but in special cases, merit scholarships are granted to exceptional students from a lower income bracket. The school's unofficial motto is "Lineage counts first, wealth a close second," meaning students with stellar family backgrounds are given top priority over those from rich families but low socioeconomic status.
3. Kare Kano (彼氏彼女の事情, Kareshi Kanojo no Jijō, lit. "His and Her Circumstances")
Yukino Miyazawa is a Japanese high school freshman who is the envy of classmates for her good grades and immaculate appearance. However, her "perfect" exterior is a façade, a charade she maintains to win praise. In the privacy of her own home, she is spoiled, stubborn, a slob, and studies relentlessly and obsessively to maintain her grades. On entering high school, she is knocked from her position at the top of the class by Soichiro Arima, a handsome young man whose very existence Yukino considers a threat to the praise on which she thrives, and she vows to destroy him. When Soichiro confesses that he has a crush on her, Yukino rejects him then boasts about it at home. Her observant little sister Kano points out that her rivalry with him comes from admiration, causing her to rethink her own feelings.
Before she can figure out if she hates or likes Soichiro, he visits her home and discovers her being herself. He uses the information to blackmail her into doing his student council work. At first Yukino accepts it, coming to realize that he is also not the perfect student he pretends to be. Tired of being used, Yukino revolts and Soichiro apologizes, and admits he still loves her and just wanted to spend time with her. Yukino realizes she loves him as well, and together they resolve to abandon their fake ways and be true to themselves, though she initially has trouble breaking her lifelong habit of pretend-perfection and her competitive ways.
As the series progresses, Yukino is able to open her true self to others and earns her first real friends beyond Soichiro. It is eventually revealed that Soichiro was striving to be perfect in order to avoid turning "bad" like the parents who abandoned him. Falling in love with Yukino, he is able to become more true to himself, but he also finds himself becoming increasingly jealous of Yukino's change bringing new friends and new activities into her life, and of her having parts of her life that don't involve him. When Yukino unknowingly hurts him, he becomes even more jealous and afraid, and begins to wear another facade of the "perfect boyfriend" in an effort to protect her from his "ugly" self.
The return of both of his parents into his life sends Soichiro into a dark area, but helps him finally break free to truly be himself as Yukino and their friends help him learn to lean on and trust others. The end of the series shows Yukino and Soichiro in their 30s, with their three children, and gives updates on the various friends they made along the way.
4. First Love Limited (初恋限定., Hatsukoi Gentei), also known as Hatsukoi Limited
The manga features a series of short stories about eight girls in middle school and high school, plus their classmates and relativesEach chapter focuses on a different main character. These stories are intertwined and eventually lead to a main story involving most of the cast.
5. Honey and Clover
Cerita mengenai sebuah perjalanan hidup anak sekolah sehari-harinya, dengan jalan cerita yang dibawa santai dan hangat. Diseringi dengan karakter humoris dari pemeran dan karakter masing-masing yang membuat kita terus ingin mengetahui jalan cerita selanjutnya. Point : 8.5
Tips Cek Keaslian Blackberry
Berkembangnya kepopuleran Blackberry di Indonesia merupakan suatu ladang subur bagi pengembangnya Canadian company Research In Motion (RIM) yang dikeluarkan sejak 1996.
Kepopuleran ini pula yang mengakibatkan tak mau kalah pihak-pihak yang ingin mendapatkan keuntungan sebanyak-banyaknya dengan modal sedikit.
Tak sedikit pelanggan yang tertipu oleh ulah jahil para tangan-tangan yang memalsukan Blackberry tersebut. Mereka menyulap barang-barang yang ternyata telah digunakan sebelumnya ( Second Hand ) menjadi baru, alhasil banyak pelanggan yang tertipu oleh trik-trik mereka tanpa mengetahui baru atau tidaknya Blackberry yang mereka gunakan.
Berikut beberapa trik untuk mengecek Blackberry yang baru atau tidak.
1. Cek No. IMEI dan PIN Blackberry Anda yang berada di belakang HP ( Dibawah Battery ) dengan system BB Anda dengan menekan ALT+aA+H ( berbarengan ).
Bila sama maka BB Anda masih bisa dinyatakan aman.
2. Kunjungi website ini
masukkan No. IMEI Anda ( Alt+aA+H )
Bila benar maka website akan menampilkan jenis Blackberry anda seperti gambar dibawah ini
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Cek Imei-L0001 |
Namun bila tidak terdaftar
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Cek Imei-L0002 |
maka anda harus waspada karena memungkinkan No imei Anda hasil rekayasa pribadi ataupun kloningan dari pihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab sehingga imei ini di Ban pihak RIM.
3. Cek pin dan imei Anda sesuai dengan provider yang Anda miliki di website dibawah ini
Mulai dengan Create New Account dan masukkan No.Imei dan PIN Anda
Bila muncul tampilan seperti ini, maka BB Anda perlu di cek ulang keasliannya
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Cek Imei-L0003 |
4. Dari menu Blackberry Anda
-> Pilih Option / Setting
-> Pilih status
-> Press BUYR dengan huruf besar
Bila Voice Usage Anda melebihi 60 menit ( Exceeded 60 minutes ) maka perlu dipertimbangkan karena bisa jadi BB Anda Second Hand karena pemakaian teleponnya telah melebihi 1 jam.
Namun bila masih batas sewajarnya 2,3 menit. Mungkin karena percobaan telepon yang umumnya dilakukan untuk pengetesan.
Lebih berhati-hati dalam pembelian Blackberry sebelum terjadi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan mengingat harga Blackberry masih tergolong cukup mahal.
Blackberry baru,
Cek Imei,
Tips Cek Imei
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